Thursday, February 23, 2017
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Isaiah 25:6-9 How does communion point to this heavenly banquet? What does that mean to ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Isaiah 25:6-9 How does communion point to this heavenly banquet? What does that mean to ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Isaiah 25:6-9 Read Isaiah 25:8. Write it in your own words. What new meaning is ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Isaiah 25:6-9 In what way does God feed us? How do you experience it?
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Isaiah 25:6-9 Read the Isaiah text. Why is a banquet often associated with ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 Pray for those who feel there is no church for them.
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 Who should and should not have communion? Why? Why does it ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 If Judas is at the table with Jesus, what does that tell us about our ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 How could the church practice this kind of welcome for ...
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 What does it mean for Jesus to welcome his betrayer at the table?
Sermon theme: "A Place at The Table" Text to read: Matthew 26: 17-30 What motives Judas to do what he does? Can you relate to him in any ...