Evening Prayer & Communion
Wednesday, April 12 | 6:15 PM | Sanctuary
Our church bells call us to attentive waiting during the meditative prelude at 6:15, and our worship begins at 6:30 as we encounter God's grace in scripture, prayer, song and sacrament.
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 13 | 7:30 PM | Sanctuary
Our evening of worship remembers Jesus' final journey from the Upper Room to his crucifixion. This inspiring time of worship will be led by our Contemporary Singers featuring the cantata by Allen Pote, "At the Ninth Hour". Through narration, music by our church orchestra and Holy Communion, the experience of Christ's final hours will come to life.
Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 14, | 12 noon | Sanctuary
Join Pastor Craig and our Chancel Choir as we stand with Jesus in the midst of his crucifixion. This powerful time of worship at midday recalls the death of Jesus and its powerful meaning for our life today.
De Anza Cove Picnic Shelter in Mission Bay Park (3000 N. Mission Bay Drive)
Celebrate the Easter sunrise with Encompass and Water's Edge at Mission Bay Park. Join us for engaging outdoor worship, a hopeful message, and coffee with donuts. It is an early, but meaningful start to a special Sunday that signifies new hope. Bring a friend or your family.
Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 16 | 8, 9:30 and 11 AM | Sanctuary
Come and celebrate the victory of Jesus' resurrection during our dynamic Easter Sunday worship. Our music will feature the Chancel Choir with the Westwind Brass ensemble leading us in our songs of rejoicing. Pastor Craig Brown will offer a message of hope and love that will inspire us to live in Easter wonder.