“Believe in yourself”
“I can do it if I try”
“I can’t is not acceptable”
“Actions equals consequences”
Our goal is to instill a strong educational foundation and through teamwork, teach integrity, commitment, and excellence. We have a very successful Kindergarten program because of our school motto; TEAM—Together Everyone Achieves More!
Kindergarten Happenings
We have several events before and during the kindergarten year to prepare both parents and children for first grade. Here is an overview:
For the Children
Star Week
This memorable activity promotes self-confidence and positive self-esteem. Parents pick a week out of the school year where they will plan activities based on their child’s favorite interests. Their child is “the star” for this very special week.
100 Day Kindergarten Celebration—In honor of this milestone, the kindergarten students celebrate with "100-something Wonderful" collections and more...
Kindergarten Graduation—A special ceremony to bring closure to our kindergarten year and our departing kindergarten class and of course: a party!
For the Parents
Prospective Kindergarten Meeting—Come and meet our kindergarten teacher and hear all about our program.
Kindergarten Parent Orientation—Back-to-school night for kindergarten parents
CGC Kindergarten curriculum and cost... (pdf)
Parent Testimonials
I couldn’t be a bigger supporter of CGC’s Kindergarten program. I have a 4th grader who went through Mrs. Solomon’s program for kindergarten, thrived in her class, and he continues to perform at the top of his class and grade level. I credit Mrs. Solomon’s class for an excellent foundation that has carried on through. My younger son, who is currently in the program, loves school, loves learning, and is excited about learning to read! I am so thankful for CGC’s excellent Kindergarten program!
From the time you find out you are expecting your baby, you only want the best for your children. And without a doubt, the Kindergarten program at CGC is the best! The small class size allows Ms. Solomon to teach to each child's individual ability and each child achieves and thrives at their own pace. There is such a wonderful sense of community too and the children support and cheer one another on a daily basis and throughout the year at the special events such as 100 day celebration, Spring Sing and each child's star week. And academic growth isn't the only focus. Both our daughters' self confidence grew by leaps and bounds with the daily lessons of 'believing in yourself' and 'can't is not an option'. Although there it is a financial cost to attend CGC, we have never once regretted our decision and our happy, thriving daughters who had such a solid foundation and continue to love their elementary school is the best reward. —Chris and Keri Moleta