"Faithful living in the 21st century demands that we break down barriers: between the church and the academy and the world; between peoples of different races, religions and nationalities; and between the different factions to ecclesial and ideological disputes. What the world needs more than anything is what the Apostello Academy invites us to create together: innovative Christian leadership."
Rev. John Fanestil, Dean
Apostello Academy
Meet some of the Apostello Academy students...
Voices of Apostello Academy from FUMC San Diego on Vimeo.
The mission of the Apostello Academy is to prepare and send dynamic disciples of Jesus Christ for innovative Christian leadership in the church and in the world. "Apostello" is the word for "sent" in Greek, the language of the New Testament, and implies being sent with direction and purpose. The Apostello Academy is a project of the San Diego School of Christian Studies, a program of the First United Methodist Church of San Diego.
Student Stories
Listen to what Seth and Julie, two Apostello students, have to share about their experience starting their first projects: Mobile Story Sharing and Christian CoWork.